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The University of Lodz is one of the largest Polish universities with more than 38,000 students and almost 4,000 personnel across 12 faculties and several interdisciplinary units.

The Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of The University of Lodz (Project Leader) is the largest biological faculty in Poland. It has the greatest potential of all the faculties of biological science in Poland, and is a scientific Category A establishment (meaning that it operates at a very good level of scientific activity). Its main scientific disciplines and specialties are: anthropology; evolutionary biology; geobotany; algology; mycology; biochemistry; molecular biology; cytobiochemistry; biophysics; thermobiology; radiobiology; cell biology; cytology; cytogenetics; cytochemistry; cytophysiology; plant physiology; animal physiology (neurobiology, neurophysiology); zoology; hydrobiology; ecology; polar biology; environmental protection; microbiology; infectional biology; bacterial immunochemistry and immunobiology; immunology; biotechnology (of microbes, plants); genetics (plants, microbes), and molecular genetics.

The intellectual potential of the research teams, laboratory and field equipment of its chairs and centres, as well as the methodical achievements of its staff, enable the Faculty to conduct scientific research at various levels of the organization of organic and inorganic matter. For example, from molecules and cells to organisms, populations, and ecosystems.

Experts from the Faculty are experts in various biological threats, and often work with law enforcements institutions on various CBRN initiatives. The Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection operates modern laboratory equipment that can analyse pathogens, including through genetic and biochemical means.

Marcin Podogrocki (project manager) karolina.tomczyk@uni.lodz.pl
Michał Bijak (content coordinator) mbijak@biol.uni.lodz.pl


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The Polish Police is the uniformed, armed force serving Polish society. Its mandate is to maintain the security of the people and preserve public order.

The different departments within the Polish Police force handle various different aspects of law enforcement: criminal, preventive, investigational, aviation, organisational, logistical and technological.

The Police also feed the court system in Poland. In the context of CBRN, the Police is a significant element of the national system of identifying, counteracting and responding to terrorist acts.

As such, they also comprise units whose remit covers various activities beyond simple maintenance of public order, including:

  • Physically combating terrorists–including conduct of negotiations – by the Bureau of Anti-Terrorist Operations of the National Police Headquarters,
  • Operational identification of terrorist crimes, by the Central Bureau of Investigation of the National Police Headquarters,
  • Safeguarding mass events, supervising the security of critical national infrastructure, by the Chief Police Staff of the National Police Headquarters,
  • Social education on counteracting crime, including terrorist threats, by officers of the Preventive Service of police units at the Voivodeship Police Headquarters/Warsaw Police Headquarters level, and at the Municipal/Regional and Poviat Police Headquarters levels by the Prevention Bureau of the National Police Headquarters.

At the strategic and operational levels, there are Polish Police representatives on national and international bodies dealing with the analysis and exchange of information on the threat of terrorist and extremist crimes. In the international context, these bodies mainly include Interpol, Europol, and the Working Group on Terrorism operating within the 3rd Pillar of the EU. At the national level we should mention the Inter-ministerial Team for Terrorist Threats, which has been operating since 2006, and in which the Polish Police is represented by the Police Commander-in-Chief. But regular Police officers have also been working since 2008 in the Anti-Terrorist Centre of the Internal Security Agency.

The Antiterrorist Operations Bureau, National Police Headquarters, Poland (BOA) is the central antiterrorist unit in Poland. BOA’s main task is combating terrorism, as well as organizing, coordinating and supervising Police activities in this regard.

Mariusz Grasza mwgrasza@wp.pl



The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK•CEN, created in 1952, is a Foundation of Public Utility with a legal status according to private law under the tutorial of the Belgian federal Minister in charge of Energy.

SCK•CEN has more than 700 employees, of which one third has an academic degree.

SCK•CEN was created in order to give the Belgian academic and industrial world access to the worldwide development of nuclear energy.

Since 1991, the statutory mission gives the priority to research on issues of societal concern:

  • Safety of nuclear installations
  • Radiation protection
  • Safe treatment and disposal of radioactive waste
  • Fight against uncontrolled proliferation of fissile materials

SCK•CEN also develops, gathers and spreads its knowledge through education and communication, and its available know-how and installations are also used for services to the nuclear industry, the medical sector and the government.

The laboratories for Radiation Protection Dosimetry and Callibration and Low-level Radioactivity Measurements evaluate the internal contamination of employees and operators of the nuclear industry and the contamination of the territory and the food chain.

SCK•CEN has specialised laboratories for up-to-date research in RadiobiologyMicrobiology and Radioecology (e.g. genomic platform, bioreactors, growth chambers and greenhouses).

The laboratories for reactor dosimetry, for material testing and for radiochemistry support the research reactors and other labs and provide services to external partners and clients.

Rojas Palma Carlos carlos.rojas.palma@sckcen.be



CARDET is one of the leading research and development center in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in social justice, eLearning, educational technology, skills and gaps assessments in educational institutions, civic engagement, social integration, and development of organizational and technological solutions. CARDET brings together an international team of experts with decades of global expertise in research, foresight, educational technology, instructional design, eLearning, professional capacity building, design thinking, innovation, social and economy integration and human resource development.

CARDET team have successfully participated in more than 150 projects in more than 45 countries, several of which were supported by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program, Microsoft, The Commonwealth of Learning, international agencies and governments. One of our core-strengths is our ability to carefully plan, implement, execute and evaluate projects in various contexts. The management team is supported by 10 members of the board and advisory board, who are all international veterans in education, business, research, and evaluation. CARDET currently employees 30 fulltime and part time staff. The majority of the team members hold graduate degrees (Masters and/or Ph.D) in areas of social sciences, business, education, instructional design, multimedia development, and evaluation.

We follow a systemic and systematic process in thoroughly planning and executing projects. CARDET is ISO 9001 certified for quality in management, research, and education services. We have developed and implemented lifelong learning projects and conducted large scale evaluations of education programs around the world. CARDET is one of the premier education and innovation organizations in Cyprus with extensive experience developing and implementing education programs.

Charalambos Stergiou charalambos.stergiou@cardet.org


logo antwerpen politie

The Antwerp Local Police is the Belgian government agency responsible for enforcing the law in the city of Antwerp, preserving public order and providing assistance at the local level.

The main duty of the Antwerp Police is to ensure the safety of its citizens, every one of whom should be able to practise their fundamental rights and freedom, without damaging the rights of others.

The Antwerp Local Police department serves all citizens in the Antwerp area. These citizens are defined as people who live there, people who visit Antwerp, and people who work in Antwerp.

The Antwerp Local Police is the largest police force in Belgium, with almost 2,800 employees. This includes uniformed officers and supporting personnel such as those in Communications, HRM, and various legal department.

Overall, the city of Antwerp is home to almost 522,000 inhabitants (and counting). This makes it the most populous city in Belgium, with a metropolitan area housing around 1,200,000 people – second only to Brussels.

Willem Willemsens willem.willemsens@politie.antwerpen.be


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Cyprus Police was created according to Art.130 of the Republic of Cyprus constitution of 1960.The constitution describes “POLICE” for the urban areas and “GENDARMERIES” for the rural. The two forces were joined to form the present law enforcement service in 1964, named Cyprus Police Force but since Law 73(I) 2004 the legal name has changed to Cyprus Police.

Cyprus Police operates under the supervision of the Minister of Justice and Public Order and is responsible for wide range of duties, according to Article 6, for the maintenance of law and order, the preservation of peace, the prevention and detection of crime and the apprehension of offenders all in line with preserving the citizens’ rights. Currently Cyprus Police follows the Chief’s strategic mission which is designed to encourage and improve police relations with the citizens, with the view of reducing crime and safeguarding human rights.

Cyprus Police is the southeastern Mediterranean safe keeper of the European Union, with the duty to block criminals and any other illegal activity to enter and travel in EU soil. Cyprus Police comprises of several departments which are dealing with preventing and combating crime in all forms and are working to fulfill the goals set by the European Commission and Council conclusions.


Project N° 2016-1-PL01-KA202-026417
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.